The largest single repository of South Slavic heroic song in the world, the Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature gives scholars access to two valuable resources: the heroic songs, conversations, and stories in the Parry Collection, and the entire contents of the Lord Collection. The selection of items in this digital collection was based on Albert B. Lord's seminal book, "The Singer of Tales," which is now considered a standard text in folklore studies. This selection of songs referred to in Lord's book created a resource of immediate benefit to multiple audiences, from first-time readers to scholars who have long used the text.
តោះ! ស្តាប់កញ្ញាវ័យ១៦ឆ្នាំ រ៉េត ស៊ូហ្សាណា ច្រៀងខ្មែរបទ៖ អ្នកស្មោះនឹកអ្នកក្បត់
The largest single repository of South Slavic heroic song in the world, the Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature gives scholars access to two valuable resources: the heroic songs, conversations, and stories in the Parry Collection, and the entire contents of the Lord Collection. The selection of items in this digital collection was based on Albert B. Lord's seminal book, "The Singer of Tales," which is now considered a standard text in folklore studies. This selection of songs referred to in Lord's book created a resource of immediate benefit to multiple audiences, from first-time readers to scholars who have long used the text.
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